Wilma Bouquet - Grand


This elegant bouquet features a harmonious blend of white and green flowers, creating a fresh and serene aesthetic. Lush white blooms, are interspersed with vibrant green foliage. The contrasting colors evoke a sense of purity and tranquility, while the varied textures add depth and interest. Perfect for any occasion, this bouquet exudes natural beauty and sophistication.

This will include Florist’ choice of seasonal white and green flowers.

PLEASE NOTE: the bouquet in the image shown is valued at £50

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This elegant bouquet features a harmonious blend of white and green flowers, creating a fresh and serene aesthetic. Lush white blooms, are interspersed with vibrant green foliage. The contrasting colors evoke a sense of purity and tranquility, while the varied textures add depth and interest. Perfect for any occasion, this bouquet exudes natural beauty and sophistication.

This will include Florist’ choice of seasonal white and green flowers.

PLEASE NOTE: the bouquet in the image shown is valued at £50

This elegant bouquet features a harmonious blend of white and green flowers, creating a fresh and serene aesthetic. Lush white blooms, are interspersed with vibrant green foliage. The contrasting colors evoke a sense of purity and tranquility, while the varied textures add depth and interest. Perfect for any occasion, this bouquet exudes natural beauty and sophistication.

This will include Florist’ choice of seasonal white and green flowers.

PLEASE NOTE: the bouquet in the image shown is valued at £50