Pippa Bouquet - Grand


The bouquet features a stunning blend of soft pinks and vibrant purples. Interspersed with a touch of white. The lush greenery adds depth, creating a harmonious balance. This arrangement exudes a fresh and romantic vibe, perfect for any special occasion. The colors complement each other beautifully, making it a captivating centerpiece or a thoughtful gift.

This will include Florist’ choice of seasonal pink, purple and white flowers.

PLEASE NOTE: the bouquet in the image above is valued at £50

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The bouquet features a stunning blend of soft pinks and vibrant purples. Interspersed with a touch of white. The lush greenery adds depth, creating a harmonious balance. This arrangement exudes a fresh and romantic vibe, perfect for any special occasion. The colors complement each other beautifully, making it a captivating centerpiece or a thoughtful gift.

This will include Florist’ choice of seasonal pink, purple and white flowers.

PLEASE NOTE: the bouquet in the image above is valued at £50

The bouquet features a stunning blend of soft pinks and vibrant purples. Interspersed with a touch of white. The lush greenery adds depth, creating a harmonious balance. This arrangement exudes a fresh and romantic vibe, perfect for any special occasion. The colors complement each other beautifully, making it a captivating centerpiece or a thoughtful gift.

This will include Florist’ choice of seasonal pink, purple and white flowers.

PLEASE NOTE: the bouquet in the image above is valued at £50